Submitted Date 06/02/2019

What is it I feel from you?

Not closeness, just impatience and feeling blue.

Around you I feel unhappiness.

All I do is feel distance.


Distance isn't just being further away.

We can be in the same room,

When being ignored, insulted, body and mind I refuse to stay.

You won't change. I forgive you for the gloom.


I don't forgive alone, I can't.

However, I ask help from my lord God,

My request, wish and prayer he does grant.

God has forgiven me first, it won't be his last.


If God can forgive what causes distance,

So can I.

Whoever says they couldn't doesn't know,

Or they're spinning a lie.


I no longer try and change you,

since you don't see an issue.

It's alright though, I pray for patience

To deal with people who cause distance.

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