Submitted Date 08/14/2018

Today I checked my social media and somebody unfollowed
And I thought to myself, that was really shallow
It would be shallow because my numbers went down
And all I cared about was that number

I don't know who that person was
Was it even a person that unfollowed me? 
All we are concerned about is numbers
But I don't know that number personally

It is a game, on who has the highest number
Who follows the least and has the most followers 
I could choose to keep up with various accounts
So that means I'm following more numbers

So it defines who I am as a person?
But it shouldn't we should be more humble 
We should be more loving we have struggles
We should pray to God first and foremost

But with being social, we should be better
We have friends, family, and an audience
Nothing's wrong with that, they are applauding
Especially if you have good content

Be social and project your talent 
People want to follow progression
So inspire a positive movement 
They follow you to stay current 

Because something about you is worth notice 
Confidence is key in our society 
So be confident and know what you're doing 
I do not care if I lose a follower 
Though i do need to grow my audience
But they unfollowed because they care about numbers  
And I know I'm an interesting person 
My content is of my own version 
I am me, I am sure of myself
I care about things more certain 

Being social allows me to provide
For my family, with whom i reside
For my audience who sees what I do  
To know that I do things with pride
And to be inspired
And to know that we can do many things

I'm glad for my audience 
And my social media presence
I'm glad that there are people
That greatly enjoy my content

I stay social to connect with them 
I want others to be a part of what I do 
If I say I'll provide you my service 
I want you to believe that it's true

I am a positive person, in my world I do many things
Social media does not define me
By my followers or my followings 

Do not be obsessed with numbers unless it's in your wallet
Your dollar amount is what's important
Use those dollars to build your business 
Create a great life and wealth for generations
Longevity is my expectation
I want you to believe my presentation 

I can do these things, see what I do
Social media is the perfect tool
Market yourself on these platforms
But don't obsess over numbers 

Who cares if you lost a follower, they'll be back
Because you're super unique and that's a fact
Social media is just a source 
For people to keep up with me
But if I lose a follower, which happens 
That's their problem

it's not me


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