Submitted Date 03/24/2020

Hey guys,

I hope I find you all in good health and positive spirits. I know times are super crazy, so I wanted to share the things that I am doing during my quarantine to keep sane in hopes that I might inspire some of you!

1. Meditating – I have always been a fan of mindfulness, but now more than ever, I am trying to add at least 10 min of meditation to my daily practice. It reminds to breathe and be grateful for the little things.


2. Yoga – Similar to meditating, yoga is such a simple way of keeping myself grounded. Whether I do 10 or 40 minutes, it keeps my body moving. And, there are amazing videos on YouTube (check out Sarah Beth or Lululemon).


3. Daily Exercise – Aside from my Yoga practice, I find it super important to do a little extra movement and cardio on my day to day. Whether it is an online dance/Zumba class, barre, or weights I try to do at least 20 minutes in order to stay active and healthy. I suggest checking out YouTube pages such as Chloe Ting or Pop Sugar.

4. Reading – I always used to say that I did not have time to grab a book and read. And now, well, time is all we have… literally. So why not set a 30-minute timer, grab a page turner and sit on your coziest couch? I am currently reading Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens!


5. Connecting – Just because we have to be in quarantine or social isolation, doesn't mean we can't make time to connect. Grab your phone and call up a friend, family member or loved one. Let them know that you love them and are thinking about them and that no matter what you are there to support them during these weird times.

6. Teatime & Gratitude – My sister and I have started this cute ritual where we make tea and allow us free time to do whatever we'd like. We also pair it together with gratitude hour, a time where we write down our day on a post-it, then put it in a jar. At the end of this craziness, we will open the jar and re-visit all of our crazy and fun memories!



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