Submitted Date 08/21/2022

I haven't written much in quite a while now. I was taking my time, trying to figure out what I really wanted to write about. So much has happened in this last year, not just in the world but for me personally. My husband was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and that has occupied so much space in my head, trying to learn as much as I can about it without going into information overload. At the same time, I have been working on myself in order to move beyond past traumas. I began thinking about what personal growth means to me. I think it stems from adapting to and accepting change in whatever form that takes. I know, easier said than done. But the most powerful personal growth can come from unexpected, unique circumstances we find ourselves in. I have spent more time reading at this time in my life than I ever have before which is quite unusual, considering as a kid I hated to read. Maybe because my parents always pushed me to do it, so I felt compelled to rebel against it. But now I understand the importance of it. If you read and you love to write, it will most certainly improve your writing. The two are inexplicably linked. They are like two sides of a coin. This is how your mental health will grow and flourish. Improving your mind by reading helps you in the ways you think and learn. This will also help your social communication skills to improve, which are vital for your social growth.

Another important form of personal growth would be of a spiritual nature. Of course, how a person chooses to do this would depend on their beliefs. Religion might be at the forefront of this for some. For others, it might mean regular meditation, yoga, or any number of other practices that would help to manage stress and improve your sense of self-worth, plus give you more confidence in your talents and abilities. Another would be growth on an emotional scale. How a person chooses to navigate their feelings, overcome adversities and learn to express their emotions in positive, constructive ways, not only in personal relationships but also in the workplace as well. And finally, there is physical growth. How we take care of our bodies directly affects all of the other areas of personal growth and development. Because if your physical health suffers, so does everything else. Healthy body=healthy brain. But what if you are dealt a physical blow that comes seemingly out of nowhere, as it did in the case of my husband? That's when things get much, much more challenging. You can do all the right things. Eat the most nutritious food, do the right amount of exercise and get all the sleep required but then fate hands you an unexpected diagnosis. This is when you are truly tested as far as exactly HOW you are going to personally grow in spite of it.

Expanding your knowledge on whatever the issue is will be the key to helping you grow mentally. Knowledge IS power. In other words, the more you know, the more you grow. No matter how much you think you know, there is always more to learn. My father used to say, "Anything you learn, even if it seems inconsequential will benefit you in ways you might not even recognize at the moment". I didn't really allow it to sink in at the time when he said this (I was very young) but as I have aged, that has become more meaningful to me than I ever thought possible. In relation to my story, the more I have learned from reading about Parkinson's disease and all the possibilities that could come from it has given me more of a feeling of empowerment and has lessened the fear, not only for my husband but also for myself. We have decided as a couple that if we intend to grow mentally as well as physically while going through this horrible experience together, we have to live one day at a time with it. Today is all we have. Tomorrow is uncertain because Parkinson's is a trickster, no two people experience it the same way or have the same timeline with it. Personal growth also takes time. You have to take the time to evaluate your situation, whatever that looks like for you, and establish goals for yourself to improve in whatever areas you can. Even if you are faced with the unexpected or unimaginable. Sometimes it's hard to stay positive. But having a positive mindset even in the face of adversity can work miracles in every aspect of a person's life. And gratitude. There is ALWAYS something to be grateful for IF you're paying attention.

So, in conclusion, personal growth is a marathon, not a sprint. But it's important for all of us, in order to live our lives to their fullest.

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Julie 🌺


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  • JB Guerrero 1 year, 7 months ago

    Stay strong 💖🙏 You are on the right path.