Submitted Date 03/02/2019

The mind churns, keeping time with the world

Dodging the hate that is carelessly hurled

The glass is only as full as you think it to be

Until your mind can escape and finally be set free

Society tells us that the world is one way

To keep us on a path, to discourage us from going astray

Do not follow this path for it only leads to hell

Choose your own to follow and follow it well

Do not let the burdens of a society in chains

Cause you to miss the pleasures and pains

That come from a destiny that is extraordinarily free

If you choose your own path and choose to truly see

You can choose not to follow the path they have made

Not to stumble in the grave they have laid

Fly above the shackles that would keep you within

For the future it holds is slowly treading thin

The world could be happy if tomorrow was filled with hope

Instead of mind games designed to only get by or simply to cope

Look for a future that shines brightly as you do

Seek something better and this new reality can come to you.

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