Submitted Date 08/07/2022


It was so long ago
That day of pride and wrath
Oh the tumbling, the falling--
(and the hatred and fear that followed)
The Sin
Better to rule here than serve--
Oh our will was iron
But like rust, grief soon marred
And in my heart I knew--still know
One truth
I miss you

There is a distant light circling
This wounded home
And I know you are there
But They say you never think of me
And They say They never lie
(They with wings of fire and eyes of ice)
Yet I still cry out to you
And--though They would never admit it--
I know you hear me--your bound wings trembling

This love is a faith that transcends all sin
Pierces the heart
Burns the eyes
Screams in a voice to shatter all doubt
A voice even They cannot avoid--in truth--
Or deny

One night, my love, I will rise
To the edge of Heaven
And kiss you
When God is sleeping . . .


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  • Tanya Marion 1 year, 8 months ago

    This is absolutely incredible. Amazing, heart-piercing writing. Well done!