Submitted Date 11/11/2019

There are times that the differences between love and attachment becomes less and less obvious or some of us. We let the lines get blurred by our want -- no -- need for another person. You become so blinded to what's happening around you (with your friends and family) because this person is so important to you. When in all reality, this shouldn't be the case. The difference between true love and unhealthy attachment is crystal clear. There as clear are the differences between the rainforest and the Sahara desert. One is filled with life, adventures, and the mystery of the hunt. While the other is filled with uncertainty, emptiness, and loss.

Attachment is clingy, and needy. Attachment is not being able to be happy without a person. It's toxic as the wrong combination of drugs can be. When drugs be good to digest and mix the combinations can be deadly. When you are attached to somebody mixing their problems with yours can cause chaos in your mind. This is because when their not okay niether are you. The attached is thinking that they're the reason you were put on this Earth, and you never be whole without them. It's thinking about them consistently for 24 hours the day 7 days a week I'm letting other relationships paid because they are so important. It's never be happy on your own, and always being anxious and uncertain of life without them. It's not seeing their flaws.

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