Submitted Date 10/24/2018

Writing is all about sacrifice. You must be willing to sacrifice your time, money, sleep, and occasionally your sanity. You must be keen to spend a substantial amount of your time writing four paragraphs of detail about something as simple as an outfit, then you must be prepared to hit the ever ominous backspace button when those four paragraphs you’ve devoted yourself to become vexingly inconsequential. Writing is about give and take. Give your idea steam, let it flood through your fingertips across the keys then take a deep breath, delete it all, and start again. It is the perpetual dance of hands and keys, pens and paper, relief and frustration. It is the definitive curse and absolute blessing of being a writer.


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  • Tomas Chough 5 years, 2 months ago

    Couldn't have described it better. This is great April! Thanks for sharing!

  • Mary Jaimes-Serrano 5 years, 2 months ago

    April, thank you for sharing. This is absolutely what it means to be a writer. Most people read a book or a poem and wonder where the author came up with such fascinating ideas. The truth is, if they knew half the sacrifice that goes into their hour, day, week, or year of enjoyment, they would probably ask where do they find the time to create such fascinating worlds. Have a wonderful weekend.