Submitted Date 06/11/2019

Today (Sunday, June 9, 2019) is Pentecost Sunday. Pentecostals note this as the first great outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the New Testament church and believers of all stripes agree that first Pentecost post-Ascension marked the beginning of the church boldly expanding beyond just the frightened followers of Jesus.

In today's verse, John tells us the primary missions of the Holy Spirit in a believer's life. He is sent representing Jesus and will teach us all things (help us understand Scripture and God's working in our lives) and bring to our remembrance Jesus' teachings (presupposing an intimate familiarity with those teachings). But in the following verse Jesus gave us one other aspect of the Holy Spirit's ministry.

Earlier in the chapter Jesus had spoken of the Holy Spirit (verses 15-18) as the, "Spirit of truth," our divine instructor, teaching us things the world cannot perceive. In verse 27 He tells us, "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." (NKJV) The result of the ministry of the Holy Spirit will be divine peace. We have a divine injunction to not be troubled or afraid. What a wonderful gift is this precious Holy Spirit!


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