Submitted Date 04/09/2020

In these uncertain times, we are drawn even more to the importance of family. I have to admit that not too much has changed for me. With two children under 2 years old, 2020 was already a year of focus on family. I found myself at home much more, reflecting on this exhausting and precious period of raising young children. Already quite (emotionally) close to my mother, I've grown to appreciate her sacrifices even more, and the sacrifices so many parents make that are unknown to their little ones. With these thoughts in mind, I set out to complete my first poetry book on the topic of motherhood, and named it To Mother ( After collecting my best works, I asked friends and colleagues to provide words that made them think of motherhood. I received a telling range of emotions: pride, fear, invisibility, inadequacy, amazement and, of course, love. I've divided my book into four sections to represent the different aspects of motherhood. They are: Mother Land (my heritage), Mother Lode (my struggles), Mother Temple (my joys), and Mother Tongue (my lessons learned). To Mother is both to my mother and about the act of mothering.

You can read a few poems from the book right here on WriteSpike, including my most popular ones:

When Your Daughter Tells You She Wants to Be an Astronaut

Milk, Blood, & Love

I've released To Mother early so that it may be purchased in time to be given as a Mother's Day gift. Although I had concerns about moving forward with publishing at this time, deep down I still believe art can uplift and inspire in all circumstances. Also, I'm happy to present this special offer. Many of you know that I am also a professional editor. For the next week, I am offering an hour of editing on any document in exchange for an honest review of my book on Amazon. Please email me at to get started!

Light and love,
Andrea Hope


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